Through our supplier we are able to dye any type of fabric and fiber, to work on the composition of fabrics in order to obtain special colour shades and nuance otherwise impossible to achieve and finally to create unique objects unparalleled for their technical content and colour shades.
The studio is specialized in managing garment dyeing processes, tests are carried out on fabrics in order to evaluate their shrinkage and the color absorption which generates unique results.
We are able to conceive garments that are designed for garment dyeing from the first step, considering the complexity of processing and managing the components as a function of the final result in order to avoid drawbacks during the dyeing phase.
Our textile archive section shows some of the tests and the different reactions and dye absorption of the fabrics during the dyeing process, it is only through testing and experience that we are able to replicate the same effects in a constant and permanent way and to guarantee quality and durability.
The dyeing explodes the characteristics of the fabric, emphasizing its qualities and expressing the original flavor of garments which have their roots in memory.